Out-of-staters harvesting 'Hometown' signatures
By: Florida Real Estate Journal
"The Florida Chamber of Commerce has said Hometown Democracy is flying in even more out-of-state petition circulators to make up for a lack of local, grassroots support. The Chamber has learned that Hometown rehired a team of professional signature gatherers based outside of Florida and directed them to focus on petition gathering in Miami-Dade and Broward counties. This is in addition to the 10 out-of-state gatherers Hometown shipped in recently to work the Orlando area.
The Chamber is asking everyone in the commercial real estate industry to spread the word, particularly to those in the targeted areas of Orange, Broward and Dade counties. It urges anyone encountering petition gatherers anywhere in the state to contact Floridians for Smarter Growth at dpage@flsmartergrowth.org or to call 888-425-1234. The Chamber asks for the date, time, location and number of circulators in any e-mail or phone message."
My question is: What for? Be sure to call them and tell them nothing but phony info. Better yet, report to them on their own "GREEN" colored petitions, which the chamber is circulating.
They have a lot of nerve calling them out of state petition gatherers. Most developers that sprawl our neighborhoods, are not from the area either. This is a case of scare tactics that backfire.
Truth or dare on Hometown Democracy
Palm Beach Post column on FHD (12/9/07)
This is part of the article:
Still, just when you've built a case against Florida Hometown Democracy on content, here come its opponents using deception.
Be afraid; be very afraid
John Thrasher served as speaker of the Florida House in 1999 and 2000. During his near-decade in the Legislature, he aimed for a career as what he is now - a lobbyist with Southern Strategy Group in Tallahassee.
People who signed petitions to get Florida Hometown Democracy on the ballot may have received a letter with Mr. Thrasher's name at the top. It attempts to make those who signed the Hometown Democracy petition revoke their signature. If the petitioners don't get 611,000 verified signatures from registered voters by Feb. 1, Hometown Democracy won't make the 2008 ballot.
The letter cautions the recipient that he "probably did not mean to sign" the Hometown Democracy petition. In fact, "It's very possible you did not sign it." Then the letter says that the recipient has 150 days to revoke his signature.
Why should someone do that? Because some who signed "were not told the truth about the affect (sic) of this bad Amendment." Gosh, what Affect? Why, the amendment "will be a bonanza for certain select special interests (many of them big developers from out of state who have no concern for Florida)."
Also, the amendment "will likely result in huge property-tax increases for the citizens of Florida." And "lobbyists and big developers will have the power to use Florida's public lands as they please at your expense."
Foaming at mouth, not debating
So, why is the letter dishonest? Save Our Constitution, the group that sent the letter, includes some of Florida's "select special interests." They don't want to stop "lobbyists and big developers." They are lobbyists and big developers.
But if you call the toll-free number on the letter, you don't get to ask questions. A recording gives the same propaganda about how the amendment would "open the door for big developers."
Someone gave me an honest to goodness FL Hometown Democracy petition on green paper. Not sure what the intent is; a cleavor disguise, an attempt to confuse, or a"two can play this game" statement. If you are presented with a green petition, take it home, read it and, if real, sign it and mail it ASAP.
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