Wednesday, November 07, 2007

The West Coast is mad and not going to take it anymore! By Geniusofdespair

Nothing like an election with angry voters to shove backlash in the faces of politicians. According to reporter Jeremy Wallace in the Hearld Tribune:

"Sarasota County's anti-growth movement has rarely appeared stronger than it did at the polls Tuesday. Ignoring strong lobbying from the business community, voters in the city of Sarasota and Sarasota County overwhelmingly approved supermajority measures. The new requirements will make it more difficult for developers to build in many areas." And:

"The message was also unmistakable in Venice, where three City Council incumbents blamed by their challengers for the city's rampant growth lost by landslide margins."


Anonymous said...

Everybody is mad not just the west coast!

Anonymous said...

And last night that same kind--voters in Hialeah have already elected a bunch of Martinez loyalists, (growth machine ego maniacs of Community Council 11) and gave Publix Food Chain a go-a-head to build a store right on the UDB at Eureka Dr. SW 184 st & 147 Ave.
Big deal for Stanley Price & associates, well connected to a Council 11 member who made it known
on the record---"He's a friend of mine" Even the County's Public Works rep.(half asleep in the rear)couldn't give a time-line for the road 184 st widening---"Oh, maybe within 5 years". Yes, adding gridlock on a farm county road in the rural Redland area, an observer said later,
It was almost a slam-dunk with a 6-1 vote for the applicant.
Boy, we could sure use some of that Sarasota Anti-Growth Move-ment action here in Dade!!!