Wednesday, November 07, 2007

WATER! WATER!....not! by Geniusofdespair

Florida, Alabama and George are embroiled in a water war over river water flow (which State has a right to it). The Army Corps of Engineer is trying to negotiate with the three.

Agriculture in Florida is in trouble facing a dramatic loss of crops, desperately in need of more water according to Charles Bronson, Agriculture Commissioner.

The Herald has in their premier spot: (front page, above the fold, right column) "Water Caps To get even tighter soon." Why this position? Because water availability is one of the most important issues of this century and with the drought: We are pretty much F--ked here is Forida. The Executive Director of the South Florida Water Management District, Carol Wehle said:

"This is going to be a bad drought...people need to know that."

We have been in the drought for 18 months. According to the Herald:

"The primary backup water supply for South Florida's five million residents, Lake Okeechobee fell to 10.37 feet Tuesday -- a record low for this time of year and five feet below normal."

So these 4 applications trying to move the Urban Development Boundary better expect another letter from Wehle - just like they got last cycle to move the line. No water, no UDB movement -- at least at the State level where they have some brains.

If not for the drought -- with 3 of the applications -- you would be walking in water past your ankles most of the year! Destroying our wetlands...well that is another story for another day!


Anonymous said...

The drought predictions don't look good for new developments in Florida.

Anonymous said...

the big deal water project and water permit the county just agreed to with teh water managemetn district is not money in the bank

its a bunch of your tax dolalrs to be spent in the future on projects designed to see if and how much water can be gotten from sources other than the everglades

very uncertain, but the developers and commisisoners will claim it has ensured availabel water for development

it aint true

the other thing here is that with all of the real finaincial needs in this county - unded, under-housed and under-educated children for example - for whcih there is never enough mooney, the county commission will spend billions in a flash to make sure that they never have to say no to a developer due to a lack of water

the fiscally neglected in this county need to march on the commision chambers over their subsidies to the development industry

Anonymous said...

the big deal water project and water permit the county just agreed to with teh water managemetn district is not money in the bank

its a bunch of your tax dolalrs to be spent in the future on projects designed to see if and how much water can be gotten from sources other than the everglades

very uncertain, but the developers and commisisoners will claim it has ensured availabel water for development

it aint true

the other thing here is that with all of the real finaincial needs in this county - unded, under-housed and under-educated children for example - for whcih there is never enough mooney, the county commission will spend billions in a flash to make sure that they never have to say no to a developer due to a lack of water

the fiscally neglected in this county need to march on the commision chambers over their subsidies to the development industry

Anonymous said...

Leon is right. He can't spell but he is right. And how is it that our African American Commissioners continue to go along with this?