The big surprise: Javier Souto voted against! (11/28/07 Reporter Rabin said the vote was 8 to 5 - no Souto but Rabin also said the people were wearing yellow buttons when they were green, so this is a qualified correction. Just got word (Souto flipped his vote later so Rabin was correct: it was 8 to 5). And I was going to stop making fun of Souto.

what a waste of time...the votes were cast from the get-go. I guess they have to put on the dog and pony show, but i dont think ONE commissioner swayed their vote based on the presentations...
i thought it was disgusting how Mayol (attorney for lowes) kept trading glances with Natasha...i think its, love i really do.
Looks like Pepe Diaz will be replacing his Pharmed money with Lowes gift cards. Dude, you are a whore, dont pretend its about the schools...wahhhh. Poor Pepe, no one loves him and his pharmed sponsored bar tabs are drying up. EWatch that waste lone Pepe, I dont know if they can shrink your stomach again.
Look, Im not a rabid anti anything. Ive been to the subject property and its no pristine parcel, in fact, its a bit of a dump and I dont think the LOWES is an incompatible use. Its an issue of continuing to open the floodgates. Why cant they find a parcel inside the udb. Why cant they build on their inside land. Greed, my friends, greed.
More of the same at County sad.
Oh yeah, i HATE how staff behind the Commissioners. How much are these people getting paid to sit back there and look down on people AND DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Looks like Joe Martinez only hires lookers. Job perk, i guess....
Don Juan "Unibrow" Mayol and Natacha, what a pair.
This was an insult to dogs and ponies.
My apologies to all dogs and ponies...
It never, ever stops amazing me that the politicians never get around to stopping unchecked growth... even it destroys the very thing they moved here for. It makes me very sad to think that the history of OLD Miami is being wiped out in the name of growth. On the east, they are taking away things like the Orange Bowl, which should be on the National Historic Register. They are also adding a nice garage and another Cuban museum on the open bay front, when the Freedom Tower is the perfect home for the museum, and garage site is perfect for people to play in.
Today our county commissioners moved the Urban Boundary to accommodate the builders, developers and the others who think our food always comes from foreign counties and that all business/residential uses are a compatible use for the Everglades. These are the same guys who want move to the North Carolina mountains as soon as they can accomplish build-out in Dade County. The commissioners are scheduled to move as soon as term limits impact them.
The water permit issue is a serious thing. The commission will be using an agreement with SFWMD to grant these applications and other zoning issues?
Give me a break. It was no mistake that suddenly, right before comp hearings the water permit issue is settled! I think there are no miracles in water shortage situations, just in the political arena surrounding them.
I hope that the commissioners and the mayor remember that voters are paying attention. I hope they remember that gray water (aka: poop water) for us to drink, IS NOT a solution for uncontrolled growth. By the way, if the approved water could be a health issue for the fishies, why do I want to give it to my kiddies? This is the water they say is going to allow them to approve the amendments?
Beware the nose under the tent! The land use attorneys have getting the whole camel into the tent down to a science. Of course, it is easier shepherd the herd when they have a warm greeting from inside the tent.
So, here we go again. 3 applications go to Tallahassee... 1 nothing one stays behind. Will Carlos Alvarez be gutsy again or is he wheeling and dealing for his re-election?
That must mean that Katy, Denis and Javier were 3 no's? Katy Sorenson, tireless, continues to be a bright light of hope!
Dorrin Rolle? Barbara Jordan? Corruption comes in all colors of the rainbow. Oh the photos, rats in suits looking like extras from a 70's Made for TV movie..oy.
O Superman, where are you, Dade County could really use your help.
What's with all the grey suits? Where is the Miami Dade fashion police when you need them?
If they had worn black, they would have looked like Undertakers. However, they wore gray, which means they weren't expecting to sweat. (No underarm stains visible in any of the pics!)
Pepe is having an identity crisis or maybe an income crisis. In many decades of commission-watching I have never seen a commissioner so desperate for approval. He spent most of his time having side-bar conversations with lawyers/lobbyists or talking on his phone on the dais. His desperation is palpable and scary. Lowes' application was not about a Lowes, which can be built now, but about acquiring land outside the UDB for "something else"; I suspect a shopping center. The school was a hook for Pepe to throw out. He sure has good luck fishing whether from the back of a boat in Mexico or in the commission chambers.
Your Superman is on his way folks.
Give him his 10 days to show up.
Maybe after that, you'll stop putting up pictures of him in bed with "you know who"
if he is going to veto, then veto, why wait the 10 days. Its a bigger statement to say: I dont need to think about this, its wrong and Im vetoing , than do the 10 day , hold your breath, ive been soul searching bit.
As for superman? I think you are taking it a little too far. Perhaps the green hornet or a minor superhero, but Superman?? I dont think so...
because if he vetoes it today, they can override his veto on Dec. 4th. If he waits until after that meeting, they can't override it until Dec. 18th.
More news coverage if it takes until then.
What about when Peepee Diaz was trying to rail about the portables at Braddock and he was corrected that they are not the old style portables but are "concretables"?
Then when he tried to get the school board person to agree they are crappy portables, the SB rep said "they are concrete modular and stronger than anything we have built".
Man was PeePee pissed!!
And then he changed the subject to something else.
Is that a posterior photo shot of DeLaTortilla? This guy did NOTHING for this district while at BCC.
Thank god he did'nt make it to the Mayor's office, we would be in worse shape.
Sad to say, the Lowe's will go up.
What is really sad is a school will not go up any time soon.
Genius, the free photographer offer stands.
If you mean Miguel De La Tortilla Chip yes he was in the lobby.
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