How slots make Miami-Dade great is beyond me. And if they tell you that "It's for the schools" crap, be sure to barf on their shoes and consider sending back the paid postage absentee ballot card with Natacha Seijas' address on it.
As I said before, I don’t care one way or the other whether the people approve the slots or not...but I take issue with the phony carrot they are dangling in front of the stupid public that refuses to read more than their cereal box. With more than $830,000 behind this (from Calder and West Flagler) campaign so far, expect a to be pummeled with calls, cards and a lot of other crap by the time the vote occurs in January.
Lobbyist and all around annoying guy, Al Lorenzo’s company Quantum Results, Inc. is being paid by this campaign as well as another annoying Lobbyist Ron Book's Urban Initiatives, Inc. Both Lobbyists appear to be making about $7,000 a month for consulting. Ick.
The schools will get some money. It is better than nothing.
I guess no one cares about gambling. To the people giving the bucks. You don't need to. They will vote for slots. Put all your money into the pockets of the clergy and into radio spots...the rest of the voters don't care.
November 13, 2007
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