Send us your electronic photos of the South Florida housing bust, your tired, your poor, your neighborhood planning disaster yearning for publicity.
It's the one and only Krome Gold Photo Contest. We have two finalists this week, chronicling the zoning mistakes by local legislators that no paid PR flak can paper over: God bless Suzi (first photo) and Pat (second photo) for sending in these spectacular examples. It's inspirational, really!
Assign points to your favorites, based on our point scale of the unreformable majority of the county commission, and note in the comment box which you favor! Their smiling faces are costing Miami Dade County taxpayers billions of dollars in unfunded infrastructure deficits!
(Krome Gold is not a trademark of Kodak: it's the name of a partnership owned by sprawl boosters near Krome Avenue at the western edge of Miami-Dade County--Florida's most populous and politically influential. The corporate name, Krome Gold, confidently predicts that more open land next to Everglades National Park could be turned into tens of millions of dollars, if only the speculators/owners lobbied the county commission hard enough and state policies and federal concerns for protecting the Everglades can be pushed under the bus. So give a big hand to Krome Gold and their grantees at the county commission, below!)
For fifty extra points, guess which Krome Gold partner from Miami is also chairman of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission!

I vote for Pat: one Joe Martinez, one Natacha and
Suzi: two Dorrin's and one Audrey
Great photos from Pat and Suzi. How about Rodney Baretto for the Krome Gold guru? He can't protect the environment or wildlife but he sure knows how to feather his own nest. What is Charlie Crist thinking?
Rodney is a bully. I am sure he bullied a lot of people to keep this post. Greenwashing at its very best.
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