Here is my Op Ed:
You can’t fix Miami Dade County Government.
The members of the Government body won’t let you. They have perverted the charter review committee and that was our last hope. It is like toothpaste oozing out of a tube, there is no going back and when you go forward all you have is a big mess.
I especially disagree with Ferre when he said:
“It's the system that's dysfunctional, not the individuals.”
Both are not functional. Too little too late.
I found this on the Herald's comment page:
The way to improve County government starts with the mentality of the existing Commissioners who refuse to relinquish their role of micro managing County government and accept their role as the policymaking body. District seats are not working, have never worked and continue to remain has the largest obstacle to good government.
I would agree that the proposed 8 members and Mayor as chair is not the best recommendation. Again, the balance of power in a bicameral government is realized when the Commission rightfully represents the entire community as policymakers and not as parochial chieftains concerned solely for their district territories.
I have often thought the only way to fix Miami-Dade Government is through amending the State Constitution and repeal the home rule charter!
We cannot give up! We must keep trying. Change is a part of existing, and we must continue to try to improve our government. Bigger, smaller, more power, less power, we have to keep trying . .
last anon...
your hope is good. Thanks for reminding me that even in the stench filled hole we like to call the county -- where the ass kissing vermin serve developer whims-- we shouldn't lose hope. Somehow we have to weather the storm...if Hometown Democracy passes we will be in a good place.
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