Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Daily Business Review on Lowe's Store bribe: A School by Geniusofdespair

School Board member Evelyn Langlieb Greer said she does not recall the board considering the site for a new school. The main reason: school district rules prohibit building a school close to the urban development boundary...Daily Business Review

Paola Iuspa-Abbot of the Daily Business Review reported today:

"Hoping to sweeten the deal, Lowe’s proposed selling a portion of the land to a charter school operator."

Note the reporter said SELL. NOT GIVE. Iuspa-Abbot continued:

"For the third time in five years, Lowe’s asked to move the line to bring 52 acres inside the UDB to build a store at the corner of Southwest 138th Avenue and Eighth Street.

The retailer owns an adjacent 16.5-acre parcel that’s inside the line and wants to use the abutting acreage for parking and drainage. Its plan last time failed by one vote.

Lowe’s is negotiating to sell 29 acres outside the boundary to Miami-based charter school operator Academica, said Holland & Knight attorney Juan Mayol, who represents the store chain.

If the sale fails, Lowe’s will try to sell the land to the Miami-Dade County Public Schools. The eventual buyer would need to spend about $1.35 million on wetlands mitigation.

School Board member Evelyn Langlieb Greer said she does not recall the board considering the site for a new school. The main reason: school district rules prohibit building a school close to the urban development boundary, said Greer, who opposed moving the line.

Boundary change opponents say Lowe’s is using the school to secure approval."

I find what Evelyn Langlieb Greer said very interesting (above). The school board could not use the site.

There has to be a better site for a school and cheaper. The wetland cleanup alone would seem to prohibit this site from being viable. And Lowe's overpaid for the land -- unless the County moves the urban development boundary (that would make the value increase). With the downturn in the market, developers like Levitt are walking away from land. I am sure there are better deals now inside the line. The school board should do some research for Pepe Diaz or maybe the Mayor should veto and present some other parcels for Pepe to shut down his argument.

Developers or Realtors: Do you have any land around there for sale?


Anonymous said...

Teary eyed Pepe Diaz, expressed his desire to approve the Lowe's store inside the UDB "because of the school that is needed so badly". Maybe he ignores that the school system has lost more than 33,000 students whose families have either moved out of state or to another county. He must find a better argument.

The above are figures that I obtained at a meeting with Evelyn Greer, last April 2007. Since then more people have left Dade County and consequently that figure must now be higher.

Anonymous said...

You can go to the state school board site and look at the stats....

I really feel like you watched a Kangaroo Court yesterday. How can they not feel guilty for manipulating the public? Are they not doing their homework? Is the commission auditor telling them the facts or what the commissioners want to hear? Are they not asking the questions of the school board? Are they that plain stupid? Or worse yet, are they that evil?

Anonymous said...

This is a fraud; they are selling, not giving, the school site, and then the taxpayers have to pay to build the school, maintain it each year, and staff it with teachers adn other personel

the next fraud is that thsi is how the game goes - you move the line for a small residential developmetn

then a few years later, the people who know live there claim some bogus constitutional or moral right to have schools, stores, etc real close

so you have to moe the line again to put those things there.

ever wonder why the actual cities adn urban neighborhoods continue to get worse?

cause county governemnt subsidizes land speculators at the expenses of us

it wont change until you get outraged enought o complain loudly to commisioners and the herald and to vote out the commisioners who vote for these things

Anonymous said...

More schools=more people=more pressure to move the UDB, further and further.

It's a gimick, Pepe. Go ahead, say it.

Anonymous said...

Again, the confusion about charter schools reigns.

Developers make deals with private charter operators. Sometimes the land is given up. Sometimes the land is sold to the charter company.

The only public money involved is the per-student state funding that would have otherwise gone to the School District for the kids that are in the charter school.

Anonymous said...

Oh my God - Lowes is building a store on 137th and 8th Street - the world is ending - blah, blah, blah - man, you people live some sorry lives

Anonymous said...

Last anonymous:

We don't live sorry lives, we live our lives trying to protect people from the vultures that steal your quality of life. If you don't think you have a quality of life to steal, then you have nothing to lose and you can continue to hand over the bay, the glades and even your neighborhood to the folks who are heading to the mountains as soon as they finish their destructive work here. Maybe, you are one of those folks? If you are, remember that Santa is coming and he gives coal in stockings to those naughty folks.

Anonymous said...

While we are on the topic of naughty and nice. Is the mayor going to veto these applications or not?

The clock is ticking and I hate to think that after 2 previous bites of the apple on the Lowes application that were not successful, that the mayor would not support his planning department and flip to the dark side. What a tragedy that would be; for both the people of the county with that heinous prescient set by the movement of the line, as well as his own consistency in policy.

So, Genius and Gimmy, any predictions or rumors?

Geniusofdespair said...

Gimmy? That's cute. Prediction's on the Mayor: hmmm. Did you catch my Nov. 15th post by any chance? and readers: Speak for yourself: I lead a sorry life....

So who is this Lee Allen, email us....

Anonymous said...

I will come out of retirement for a brief time only.

This will get vetoed, some time after Dec. 4th.

Take it to the bank

Geniusofdespair said...

glad you are back --we missed you not a moderate!

Anonymous said...

Did Pepe go fishing again with Sergio Pino in Cancun?

Anonymous said...

Pepe isn't the only one likes to fish in Cancun.