Saturday, October 13, 2007

Saturday Speak-Up: Only In Hialeah, Oral Sex Becomes a Campaign Issue. By Geniusofdespair

This is one for the record books, an embarrassment in any-town but, of course, it happened here in South Florida the hotbed of the strange. Believe it or not, in the Miami Herald today they said that Hialeah incumbent Councilman Jose “Pepe” Caragol has a campaign slogan which translates to: “If you like oral sex, vote Caragol for council.” My neighbor said the critical issue in this campaign, that Caragol has not addressed yet, is: "Giving or getting?"

By the way, Hialeah is Commissioner Natacha Seijas' stronghold, that should tell you something. Mentioning both her and this issue in the same post is conjuring up some pretty scary images. Ick. I am putting on comment moderation --- no x rated comments on this one.

This is Saturday Speak-up anything you want to air?


Anonymous said...

According to the Herald, the slogan is a rhyme. To me, that's better than a simile.

Geniusofdespair said...

Bad taste is bad taste no matter what form it is in.

Geniusofdespair said...

Well, if none of you will air I will. I am always cranky about something. I have 219 unopened emails and that does not include blog emails. If your subject line will get thrown out unopened. So think long and hard about what you put in your subject line. I have email over-load. And if someone sends me a cute email with a kitten or puppy, watch out.

Anonymous said...

homonym, like "bush". not simile.

Anonymous said...

I think it shows the depth we have sunk in south Florida. The fact that he has been elected 3 times shows that our community standards are in the toilet. I cannot imagine of being proud of making a mockery of the election process. He is making fun of his constituents with his trash.

What's worse he doesn't have enough sense or class to be embarrassed.

Anonymous said...

Worse than what Councilman Caragol said on TV, is what he told me personally last year, when he and I engaged in a heated argument following a council meeting.

This man had the nerve to tell me (a voter) that he did not have to listen to what the people have to say, that he receives a packet of information and already knows how he was going to vote (on an item), that he has to listen to the city planner because she does know what she is talking about, and that he votes that way he wants to because that's why he's a councilman.

The nerve ----

If you live in Hialeah, PLEASE vote for Mercy Dominguez against this man who does such an ill job at representing us.

Please vote on Tuesday, November 6!

Milly Herrera
Hialeah, Florida

Anonymous said...

What does he do at council meetings? He makes motions before the council president closes the discussion. He has nothing to offer the residents of Hialeah except embarassment. People should be outraged over this. Look at what happened to the State Representative who made those drunken comments, he's out of there. If he makes those comments in the workplace, it's sexual harassment. DISGUSTING OLD MAN. He doesn't belong on the council.

Anonymous said...

This idiot is not only giving Hialeah a worse name than it already has but he is a poor representative of the Cuban people in general.

He does nothing for the City of Hialeah but collect his money and say “YES” to everything that is brought before the council…no questions matter how detrimental to the city. To all of you in Hialeah that complain about traffic and poor planning…he is the reason why it exists.

He is arrogant and obnoxious and deserves to be voted out. The sad thing is that many are not voting and this fact will only allow people like to remain in power. He has no business in politics and no business representing us Cubans.

Time to go eat crow Mr. Caragol…I hear it they contain large amounts of cholesterol.

Jorge Villamil
East Hialeah, Fl

Anonymous said...

"To all of you in Hialeah that complain about traffic and poor planning…he is the reason why it exists"

His opponent Mercy Dominguez was on the planning and zoning board. She also is on record for fighting a big battle(even in court)aginst developers building more sleazy motels in her community.

She is qualified in my book!

Anonymous said...

My neighbor said the critical issue in this campaign, that Caragol has not addressed yet, is: "Giving or getting?"


Well, Jose Caragol did use the excuse that "Bill Clinton did it in the White House" so I am assuming that he must be talking about receiving Oral Sex. Like most politicians he wants to keep the population on their knees…;)

Vote this Clown out of office!

Vote for Mercy Dominguez for Hialeah City Council!

Anonymous said...

Just look at the shame Caragol is bringing Hialeah and the Cuban people.

If he stays in office its going to say a lot about Hialeah's people.,GGLR:2006-01,GGLR:en&q=caragol+oral+sex

Anonymous said...

thank you to all of you for opening my eyes. I saw caragol on tv the other day and I am not voting for him. Me and my family and neighbors will all be voting for mrs. dominguez. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I went to one meeting of the council last year for zoning in my street and problem we did not want. Mr. Caragol said yes before the president of the council can call the two resident from my street to speak. I am fear to speak but saw the truth that night. Mr. Caragol is not correct and after I read here what they say about him and saw Raul Martinez come out on television I know the good thing for me to do is go to vote and for Mercy Dominguez. I also want Cindy Miel to win again. she care about the people and vote to say no to big building where I live. I'm sorry my english is not too perfect, but I have to say what I feel. The frustracion we feel is big and Mr. Caragol is not good for Hialeah. I will vote for Mercy Dominguez in November 6 and also my husband. I hope all the people that read this will make a copy and give it to the neigbors.

My message to Mr. Caragol is for him: Usted es una verdadera verguenza para nosotros que deseamos vivir en una ciudad mas prospera y bonita. Usted es un falta de respeto a todos nosotros cuidadanos de esta gran ciudad que si queremos a Hialeah. No le tengo la mas minima confianza. No solo por lo que dijo en la tele pero por lo que aqui he liedo de usted y por lo que vi esa noche en el consejo con mis propios ojos y oidos. Usted debe renunciar y aliviar un poco el aire que se respira en nuestra ciudad.

Thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

you know I kind feel sorry for the guy. he may be a great guy to his family and friends and loved ones.

he may have a great sense humor but vulgar humor belongs at home not in elected office.

I'd hate to hear the flak that Hialeah will catch if this man is re-elected.

now that its been made a circus

Anonymous said...

Jose Caragol won a seat on the Hialeah council by special election. I know a lot of residents like myself who will not be voting for him this time around. The problem we have here are the absentee ballots. If Caragol wins this election with too many absentees then I hope someone will start a recall.

Yedra is another one who has been there too long. Another yes man. What the hell is he preaching: Hialeah doesn't need anymore old folks home or housing projects. This is just another way for them to steal more votes.

Lets get rid of them both.

Anonymous said...

Foul mouthed Caragol is up for election again this year. This time it is time to retire the clown!