You do care about gossipy stuff like Natacha Seijas' daughter, Justina, who worked at the troubled Empowerment Zone Trust Fund until recently (mentioned today in a cover story in the Miami Herald by the way). What did she do there? Anyone know? I heard the daughter was the chief officer of real estate development-- if she was: Great job Justina! So you looked at the checkbook?
I heard she now works for the Aviation Department's Finance Department. That means we can request her financial disclosure paperwork right? Anyway, look at this curious mortgage record of Justina's. Why do you suppose the witness wanted to hide their identity? There were two copies of this mortgage in public records to correct another mistake. On the second copy they tried to scribble the name out even more! Why? It looks like "Luz Alvarez" to me -- anyone else want to guess? I never saw a witness name scribbled out on any other mortgage I looked at and I have seen hundreds.
Children are fair game when they work for entities that their mother votes to dole out money to.

Gossip it is...why didn't the Herald write about her yet or even mention her? Is her mother allowed to vote on anything she is involved in?
Now that there is responsible executive leadership at MIA, Seijas needs someone on the inside who can tell her what big contracts are coming to bid and which lobbyist, then, should represent the bidder. It's a family affair, probably run from a YMCA phone line.
Amazing! And Harvey Ruvin did not see a problem with this "signature". Yet he failed petition signatures on the Seijas recall because some of the "printed" names of circulators actually contained curved lines and, heaven forbid, 2 letters connected. Harvey seems to do a lot to help the vile Natacha and her progeny.
Miami International Airport and the Port of Miami have tradtionally been dumping grounds for Commissioners' relatives. Miriam Alonso's son-in-law Kevin Miles worked at both.
Someone file an ethics complaint please!
How would readers file an ethics complaint? and who should we complaining about?
ethics complaints -
the easy way
Citizens can leave information and tips anonymously on our hotline at (305) 579-9093. The legal unit of the Commission on Ethics reviews this information, and the Advocate may, in good faith, file a complaint based on the information provided, even in the absence of personal knowledge. The Advocate is also authorized to initiate complaints without citizen initiative.
the hard way
Citizens can file a complaint by submitting a written notarized complaint executed on a form prescribed by the Ethics Commission. The complaint must allege a violation within the jurisdiction of the Ethics Commission, be based on substantial personal knowledge of the complainant, and include as much evidence as possible. Information and tips may also be left anonymously on our telephone hotline: (305) 579-9093. Individuals can also e-mail information to us at, or via fax at (305) 579-0273.
I hope that these commissioners will NOT get reelected. We are bad people in Miami, granted, but we don't deserve that.
FD @ Condo Hotel Miami Beach - Condo Hotel Fort Lauderdale
Martinez had a son working at MIA
Why doesn't the Commission on Ethics publicize a snail mail address to which people can send tips? I don't trust e-mails or telephones or faxes. I sent a tip in years ago by mail and nothing was ever done and years of theft continued and two clowns made it to retirement. Do you have trustworthy folks opening your mail?
1) Justina's last name is Clegg and yes, she works in Aviation. All Miami-Dade County employee files are available for public review -- you just have to go downtown and request them and give them time to delete the social security number, etc.
2) Art Teele had secret rooms in the Airport where he would arrange his secret "liaisons" (with women, not lobbyists).
3) there are so many friends and family of commissioners working in the Departments that it is a major problem. that is why many Departments have problems - because problem employees are protected and dumped in certain departments
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