Sunday, October 07, 2007

Krome Gold Photo Contest, by gimleteye

Photo by: Gus Moore,

Eyeonmiami is sponsoring the Krome Gold Photo Contest, in which you are invited to submit your photos electronically (

We could say that the contest was inspired by Kodak, but we'd be wrong: it's inspired by Krome Avenue, that western edge of Miami-Dade County where the hopes of so many politically influential land speculators are based if the Urban Development Boundary is moved by vote of the Miami-Dade County Commission.

Why permit more zoning changes to allow more tract housing in the outlying areas of the county, when we are in the midst of the worst housing recession in more than a generation, and, when empty tract houses, condos, and economically distressed areas are in such abundance? Send your photos. Eyeonmiami will publish the best!


Anonymous said...

This is called a contest, what are the prizes and how will they be judged and awarded? Is the Latin Builders furnishing the prizes?

Anonymous said...

The 'Krome Gold Contest' is fine, as it will bring a heightened level of awareness to our dilemma. Beyond all the fraud, market fall-out, and financial implications, I wonder about who is keeping tally of all the new development. I hope all this new growth is not being managed in the same way the Airport expansion, the performing arts theatre, the housing agency, the poverty program, and many other government functions are managed. Everyone knows the transportation and transit systems are inadequate and incapable of handling any more people. What about our sewer system, how much more can the existing system take? What about water availability, will we have enough for everyone to meet their daily requirements? What about solid waste? I don't know . . . it might be good if someone could put up a table with our maximum system capacities in each major area, and where we are at different points in time. I wonder if we have the capacity to handle all this new development.

Anonymous said...

Don't you know we can build our way out of lack of demand, why there are still loads of people who haven't heard about all the melted Artic sea ice this summer and thus the party is still on.