Thursday, October 18, 2007

Ikea Store Opening: Dorks. by Geniusofdespair

How many morons live in Florida? 3,000 people wait in line to: Shop at the new Ikea store. Where did God go wrong?

If I could harness all the shoppers that waited in line at Ikea and also the ones who waited in line for I-Phones and the Harry Potter book and if I could force them to vote, I might be able to wield more power in this State than anyone could dream possible and I could change a Presidential election. Scary isn’t it? Shopping rules.


Anonymous said...

can you believe the hype over a store? It is madness.

Anonymous said...

Nah, its just sheer stupidity!

Anonymous said...

Lets see cheap knock-off swedish designs made by a company based in Monaco (to avoid those Swedish taxes and copyright laws) out of wood from poorly managed Asian forests by slave wage cheap chinese labor. Yea, its a great place to shop!