Wednesday, October 03, 2007

I am trying to think of something to write about. by Geniusofdespair

The subject matter is sucked out of me. Give me a couple of hours to think.


Anonymous said...

How about an anniversary party like Books and Books? You're coming on one year.

Anonymous said...

how about writing about how the city of miami might torpedo the whole tunnel project by being silly? I've been out of town, you may have already done this.

Geniusofdespair said...

no haven't written about it but i think it would be stupid not to do the tunnel when most of bill is NOT being paid for by the city. the tunnel is crucial to downtown.

October 03, 2007

Sue said...

How about the sick SoBe promoter that was arrested for intentionally infecting women with HIV?

That's what I'm writing about....

Anonymous said...

You better watch out g.o.d., your more "left leaning" fans may be upset by your support of the tunnel project.

Anonymous said...

Here's one for you, g.o.d.

Why does the city of North Miami and the North Miami Police Department look the other way when it's brought to their attention that the convenience stores up and down W Dixie Hwy ( within the North Miami city limits ) are running de-facto beer halls in the back of the stores? These stores have the package sales only type of beer/wine licenses, ie no on premises drinking, yet after 1 1/2 years of reporting this, it continues day after day. The established residential neighborhoods on either side of W Dixie are a gem in the rough and struggling to come around and improve, yet this is allowed to continue. Drunken bums walking around with single beers in paper bags all hours of the day and night -same area that saw 3 violent crimes in a 4 day span, 1 carjacking that turned into a home invasion/robbery and 2 armed robbery attempts..1 with the victim getting shot, just down the street from the BK where the manager was shot and killed on a Sunday afternoon during a robbery. Same area where children walk back and forth to several schools..I'm disgusted with the city of North Miami and wish I could shove the 3K+ property tax bill I'm choking on up their collective @#! live here. While I'm at it, why are these Check Cashing stores multiplying faster than rabbits? Is this a benefit for our friends the illegal aliens? Doesn't everyone know by now that WAMU will give you free checking?

Anonymous said...

what I meant about the tunnel, is that the $50m that the city might not pay could sink the whole project. the State of Fla has already said as much.

Geniusofdespair said...

Dear you are not a moderate:

Yes I have already been lectured on the tunnel....over dinner yet! I just thought if the county and the legislature were going to throw piles of money at the city they should take it. but heck I can learn. I am not married to a tunnel. If Sarnoff is for it and Angel is against it...I was getting a vibe.

Geniusofdespair said...

Will - good questions, i have asked scott galvin -- councilman -- if he had an answer. We shall see.

Geniusofdespair said...

I should write more columns with nothing to say because you guys have a lot on your mind it appears. Sue, I don't write about scum. Wait a minute, I guess I do, I am always writting about lobbyists and commissioner Natacha and then there is Thrasher...

i take my position back.

Anonymous said...

In regard to the busines's that are selling beer illegally in back of the store. Ask the Chief of Police. We have a Nuisance Abatement Board in the City set up just for the purpose of stopping any illegal action by a business. It cam fine them large amounts of money or shut them down completely, yet our chief will not refer these cases to the board so that it can take action. If you give me the addresses of one or more of these joints I will contact the proper people and they can take action without the Chief.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you could start a thread about why the City of Miami allows so many illegal outdoor advertisements? Why are there so many illegal mural ads? Where is Code Enforcement? Who is in charge? They make Miami look so cheap and third world.

Anonymous said...

Don't rush your pilgrimage, the Archdiocese has clarified those shadows were shadows, show's over folks...see:

What I hear unofficially is that the Virgin has moved on to Southwest High School. How she will do in public school I don't know, especially with Halloween coming up.

I wonder if any arm twisting took place to draft this letter and by whom. Magical thinking is getting harder to sustain. Maybe all those mortgage meltdowns.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Genius! As a city councilman in North Miami, I'm hoping that the blogger who wrote earlier about North Miami convenience stores will happen to see my note. I'd love to be able to help him/her address the problem. Please contact me at and give me more detail. Thanks :)

Anonymous said...

dear not-so-moderate, at least there's one place where the right-wing doesn't tip the media balance/scale of equity.

Anonymous said...

I read in Miami Today today that the Co Commission voted 8-3 to allow the use of $700,000.00 from the Biscayne Bay Environmental Enhancement Trust Fund to revamp the County's Manatee Protection Plan. I know you've touched on the subject before but, come on, $700K to "fix" something that doesn't need fixing and certainly won't result in ENHANCING Biscayne Bay? Where the hell are our priorities?