Monday, October 01, 2007

County Commissioner Rolle earned $177,145 From a Non Profit by Geniusofdespair

On Page 5 of the Federal Statements of the 2005 Tax Return of the James E. Scott Community Association (JESCA), County Commissioner Dorrin Rolle claimed he worked 40 hours a week for which he earned a yearly salary of $177,145. A waste of money for a seriously inflated work week don’t you think? And since when do non-profits dish out major bucks as salaries? He signed the return by the way.

What could he possibly do there at JESCA? Sleep?


Anonymous said...

It's a complete disgrace...

Anonymous said...

This should be investigated. Isn't this the same charity that bounced 3,000 checks one year?

And when did he have time to work for Miami-Dade County? Doesn't he get paid $50,000+ a year working for the County? Salary plus benefits...

Anonymous said...

I've heard rumors for at least 2 years that he's been under investigation... when do these things come to light???????

Anonymous said...

The only time things come to light is if it can make it to the pages of a paper. I'll bet as soon as Burgess found out the Herald was checking public records is when the County decided to do their own investigation.
Just too bad the Herald is so selective in who they choose to investigate. I can think of a number of other charities and trusts that they should start into. But it might shed a bad light on some Commissioners that the Herald is friendly with.

Anonymous said...

No, Com. Rolle doesn't go to sleep; on the contrary, he advises JESCA how to keep the books in disarray so that no one knows what's really going on there. Rolle also lobbyies on their behalf so that they may continue to get our money which in turn will get back into Rolle's and friends pockets. That requires a lot of skill and knowledge of how the system doesn't work!

Anonymous said...

I thought everybody knew that Rolle was dishonest and was only interested in his own pocket. Of course it would be difficult to prosecute him as that might involve to many others who have their own friends in high places.

Anonymous said...

Hasn't it Rolle who pushed the Stackhouse con scandal? And wasn't Rolle getting campaign checks from Stackhouse? Didn't Stackhouse make his employees donate to JESCA? Then reimburse them?

Perp walk pending?

Anonymous said...

How many of us readers of this blog are good people willing to run for office, work on a campaign for an honest candidate or donate to a good candidate?

Or do we prefer to be couch / keyboard complainers and wait for someone else to do our work for us?

Anonymous said...

OK, I am writing a friend in Hollywood. That's it, there needs to be a screenplay about this site and the bloggers. You guys scare the *&*^% out of me and fascinate me at the same time. You and Starbucks - two things I can't live without.

Anonymous said...

I believe people on this blog are too honest to run for office in Miami-Dade County. And we are too busy at honest pursuits trying to save enough money so we can pay our taxes to politicians who end up giving it away to their friends.

But we sure would like to see criminals arrested.

Anonymous said...

somewhere on the 990 should be the organizations income.... I bet it is interesting.