After reading the report in today's Miami Herald about Stackhouse' illegally reimbursing employees for campaign donations to Commission Rolle, I did a quick look at Rolle's Campaign Finance Report. I found $6,000 in donations, from Stackhouse related entities (related to that Poinciana Park phony biotech project). The Herald reported $2,500, I wonder if anymore of the $3,500 are fraudulent campaign contributions?
This is exactly why we should not have corporate donations to campaigns. Thank you Commissioner Sally Heyman for getting that changed because we had done away with corporate financing thanks to Former County Commissioner Jimmy Morales but this lousy Commission supported Sally and over-turned Jimmy's hard won reforms.
There is a press release posted on Rolles' website but it's not dated. His statement includes this, " 30 year old promise to develop Poinciana Park " .
Are charges against Rolle being prepared by someone! Ms Fernandez-Rundle?
Are you kidding me? Fernandez-Rundle never finds fault in any of her dear friends the Commissioners. Let's hope the feds read the article and they will take appropriate action.
Where are you? Have you given up on us?
Rolle, finally caught withhis pants down!!!
Rolle: They have been waiting on him to screw himself!
When will we see Rolle doing the perp walk?
Its so sad that , despite the ocnstant evidence of incompetence and corruption, the voters in Rolle's district keep electing him. YOU ARE GETTING SCREWED PEOPPLE, PICK SOMEONE BETTER.
This is a perfect example of single member distcits not working. People rather have a crook representing them, as long as the crook looks like them...will we ever learn?
Gotta comment on this one too...
You guys need to go back and look at Morales' and Sorenson's campaign reports if you think Rolle is the only one. I'll even give you a "find the Waldo"...look to see if someone took money from someone and later moved the UBD for them. Or...note how much someone was charged monthly for their campaign headquarters (1/6 the rent normally charged.) And please remember that $500.00 is the max any one person can now give for the WHOLE campaign. Hell, look at ALL the Commissioners reports and the Mayor's too.
Campaign funds is one of the biggest money makers and the least scrutinized. And...I think you'll find Fernandez-Rundle is a lot more partial to some "other" Commissioners if you check.
If you think Rolle's voters are the only ones getting screwed, you need to do a bunch more research.
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