Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Have you ever been to an Army Corps Meeting? By Geniusofdespair

The Army Corps speak in acronyms and assume after saying it once you remember it. Then by the time they are done they are speaking in loads of them and you are busy just trying to remember the first one they mentioned. It is like stumbling on a Harry Potter movie without reading the book, just too many people to remember.

I went for a discussion of the Corps' regulatory program (Yawn). It was just a lot of people trying to get the Corps to step up its pace of approving wetland destruction. The Corps takes 6 months to tell them yes...(they hardly ever deny a permit).

Then there was that panel discussion on the recent Rapanos Supreme Court decision on wetland jurisdiction. Apparently that would depend on what water bodies were connected and/or near each other. The acronyms starting coming for each segment of the waters journey, and the map was labeled with the acronyms and I was out of there.

I've got news for you Army Corps, when dealing with civilians CERP, WERDA, and all your other stupid terms don't cut it. If you don't want to say Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan call it the Everglades Plan so people besides yourselves know what you are talking about or give us a sheet with the translations. 10-4?

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