Sunday, August 12, 2007

Ford Focus: What is with American Cars? by Geniusofdespair

Okay, I've been away. I rented a cheap car. Not so cheap, over $400 for three days. But it was Avis' compact car. You might think that car companies would make rental cars good enough so they might induce us to buy the brand. Never will happen.

Ford People: Let me tell you something. If your turn signal sounds like a cricket no one is going to buy your car. We need a more manly sound. If we are going to use the signal at all, it has to have the right decisive sound. The sound must say: "Here I go, I am making a turn, world watch out." And then you get that cricket. American Engineering?

And, a 4 cylinder should get better gas mileage. I rate this car a 2. It did run.

P.S. I originally thought it was a Chevy Cobalt (because that is what was on my rental papers but it was indeed a Ford). Sorry Chevy! Does your turn signal sound like a cricket too?


Steven in Miami said...

The American automobile industry has been soooo lost for soooo many years. Their solution to everything is cut prices and sell them dirt cheap to fleet operators (gov'ts and car rental companies). It is as if the execs from Detroit have never seen a Honda or Toyota before.

Geniusofdespair said...

from the ford website:

While researching turn signal sounds for the 2006 Ford Explorer, Petniunas and the team took a journey outside the box, considering such unusual sounds as cricket chirps, birds and even the sound of a golf ball struck by a driver. While a few members of the focus groups liked the idea of the sound of a golf ball, it didn’t play well to larger groups.

“That’s really where customizable chimes come in,” says Petniunas. “In time, we hope to give the owner a choice of tones so they can select the sound that suits their taste.”

Maybe someday Petniunas can design and deliver a turn signal that drivers will actually want to use. Imagine that.

Anonymous said...

What is it about turn signals in this town?
Every time I use mine,the vehicles behind me behave as though I have issued some sort of road rage challenge and have to move over first and block my lane change or worse.
I am not a poor driver-or a slow one.
It just seems that we have an ever increasing lack of civility (not to mention safety) here.

Geniusofdespair said...

Take note if the car behind you is an american car....they might be more agressive cars...