Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Real Estate Slump/Dive (Take your pick) By Geniusofdespair

Eric Kalis of “Miami Today” reported that “about 9,000 foreclosures this year are pending in Miami-Dade County.” The reporter states that condo flippers cannot afford to rent because the rental market is at $2 a square foot. With insurance, condo fees and property taxes, the owner is turning to foreclosure instead. “Condo Vultures” said there are over 1,400 condos that have been on the market for more than 100 days throughout the region.

The Miami Herald reported S. Florida home sales stagnant as tax cuts take hold. Reporter Matt Haggman said Miami-Dade single family homes plunged 44% from last May and condo sales were down 46% from last year.

Bad news for our buds at Lennar. The Miami Herald said Lennar reports $244.2M 2nd-quarter loss. In the previous year they posted a $324.70 profit. Hell, this is one sluggish market. Lennar has cut their profit on new homes from 23.7% to 13.6%. In the 2nd quarter Lennar delivered 9,568 homes, down 28% from last year. The average price for a home fell to $298,000.

I am worried about what will happen to CEO Stuart Miller's Compensation package this year...(the compensation package shown here is from
P.S. Whomever took this photo of Stuart Miller should be taking my family portaits. This photographer has talent, love the halo.


Tere said...

It's only going to get worse. Basic 2/1's selling at 300K now, while nice, is still a lot of $$$ when you add in insurance and taxes.

Regular working people who aren't willing to go into debt over a house still can't afford to buy.

Anonymous said...

Anyone know what the profit margin on new home construction is in south Florida? With market prices soaring in the double digits in the past, Lennar and others must have been making a killing. I wonder if one were to look at net earnings over the last 5 years. I would bet that they are still way ahead as far as profits go.

Cayo Dave said...

Key West is seeing similar problems in the condo market. I just posted about
large price drops for listings of condos in Key West
I'll keep an "eye on miami" and add it to my blog roll.
Keep up the good work! It is appreciated.
Your Nearby Neighbor,
Cayo Dave

Anonymous said...

The market is at a standstill. Everyone in Florida is waiting for tax relief, and everyday in the paper there is some horrendous story:

We will be short on budget by a billion dollars
Schools will take a major hit
The gambling that was suppose to rescue schools is WAY below forecast.

So everyone is waiting and nothing is going to happen.