For instance, who would have guessed that Greenberg Trauig Attorney/Lobbyist Clifford Schulman was the head of the Aventura Marketing Council? And, who would have guessed that the local newspaper “Aventura News” is actually a publication of the Aventura Marketing Council?
Here is their mission (on their website):
“To ensure that Aventura remains a destination location for businesses, residents, shoppers and travellers.
As part of our mission, the Aventura Marketing Council brings together businesses with educational and charitable organizations, thereby ensuring a vibrant community.“
"Travelers" is spelled wrong on their website – I just cut and pasted that quote above. More interesting, in their masthead they say:
“Celebrating 16 years of Creating Business and Building Community.”
Perhaps they made another mistake in the quote above. I think what they meant to say is: Celebrating 16 years of creating business for the building community. Wouldn't that seem more accurate?
I don’t have a problem with this business group existing. These crappy groups exist everywhere. I just have a problem with them reporting news and distributing their newspaper as NEWS when it is just a marketing tool.
Honestly, you have got to be kidding me with this one.
Anyone with a brain would take one look at the front page of the Aventura News and see it for what it is -- a booster rag filled with press releases and other canned content.
Note that this kind of stuff fills the majority of space in all of the "Community Newspapers."
Yes, I know that other additions have more original content, but there is a great deal of filler in all of them.
And "who would guess" that the paper is a publication of the Aventura Marketing Council?
My guess is that a bright 5 year old may be able to make that connection.
The Aventura Marketing Council seal is right there on the front page of every issue and on practically every other page.
You're really pushing it with this one.
"Additions" above was supposed to read "editions." Sorry for the goof.
under normal circumstances yes...however Aventura is loaded with seniors. Do you remember two words: butterfly ballot? Seniors don't pick up on the fact that they are not reading a real newspaper. Of course, some are very smart...but many others are not knowledgeable that a newspaper might be a marketing ploy when it is supplied in boxes all over town. When you open a box and take out a newspaper there is an assumption that it is reporting real news especially when it has the word news in its name. I bet if I asked 10 people in Aventura, 6 to 8 out of ten would not know it was not a newspaper.
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