"City housing director Barbara Gomez -- who until recently was married to Rene Rodriguez, the longtime director of the county's scandal-ridden Housing Agency...." (well if that isn't a red flag!).
It seems it was a red flag, today in the Miami Herald you can read more bizarre twists on Ms. Gomez/Rodriquez/Santana. No wonder I couldn’t look her up! This woman is a red flag as big as my house. Mayor Manny: You should have read my blog before going on TV, radio etc. defending your housing agency. This report looks bad for the city, you should have dumped her a week ago, or put her on leave, when the original story broke.
Doesn't your legal department talk to you Mayor Manny? They knew about this skeleton in her closet. And Babs a word to you: You should have told Manny before he stuck his neck out. HOUSE OF LIES: Miami housing director steers funds toward ex
Besides his legal department you think his communications people might have raised thier eyebrows a little. This level of stupidity coming from city leadership is disheartening to say the least.
Manny's communications chief is a 20 something child of friends of his!
The Herald did a fluff piece about her a couple of years ago.
Pictures of her in her parents home where she still lived.
He doesn't surround himself with seasoned professionals.
Corrupt ones, well there appear to be many of them.
The Herald snared manny good. This isn't the same whisywashy Herald anymore. Meaner and more meaningful maybe?.
I agree with the Herald comment, this is investigative journalism, but they do not come close to G.O.D. and Gimleteye, you guys rock.
How many of these people went to Belen or Columbus, there G.O.D. is the real problems of the mayors inner circle.
Barbara Gomez. Why hasn't Manny fired her? Why hasn't the City Manager fired her?
Ms Gomez is laughing all the way to the bank.
As I read the story of Barbara Gomez (Santana Rodriguez) and her tales of husband hopping and husband helping, I couldn’t help but wonder what has happen to most recent ex-beau Rene Rodriguez. It’s been nearly a year and not a single charge, indictment, arrest or even a plea from any current or former MDHA employees. Yes, many have lost their well paid,
plentiful pensioned, cushy county job; but still no finding of criminal behavior from none of the gang at MDHA.
You would think after $28 million and a Pulitzer that somebody would
be awarded the nickel plated bracelets courtesy of Miami-Dade Police and the State Atty's Office.
I hear there is a "new sheriff" in town who is making heads roll, but
without any real criminal charges brought against current and former
MDHA employees, I wonder if “the greedy and the sneaky” feel there is any reason to change their evil ways?
How about all these developers that are still be awarded money from the county’s largesse to build the thousand of affordable places to live?
And don’t you wonder where is the HUD takeover? It seems to have
settled down a bit, maybe HUD is cutting its deal with the “new sheriff”.
I also have to wonder about HUD’s takeover plan anyway. It seems that the infamous HUD Asst. Secretary Orlando Cabrera (former counsel for the Latin Builders Association) is pushing an agenda for the now down-turned development community (read LBA & BASF). Once HUD gets a hand on
hundreds of acres of old public housing stock. I am sure there will be an explosion of federal demolition contracts and maybe even as much as a billion dollars in “new affordable housing” developments in the place of
the old public housing stock. The development community will be flush in new public money to waste, during the upcoming downturn of public spending
What will happen to the current public housing residents? Once again (remember, HOPE VI) they will be giving Section 8 vouchers and told to fend for themselves, while their former neighborhoods are revitalized (see urban renewal, gentrification and even ethnic cleansing).
If we don’t prosecute the offenders and stop the greedy nothing has changed.
Barbara Gomez must be fired. Why would anyone keep her around?
She gave out the taxpayers money to every Tom, Dick and Harry who crossed her path...
It is June 18th. Why does Barbara Gomez still have a job with the City of Miami? She has shown no respect for the taxpayers. Read the audit. Read House of Lies.
Hey, leave Columbus out of it... Manny is a Belen guy! Don't rope us Explorers with those kitty kats, ferrits or whatever they call themselves!
My family's new home was a chance to address affordable housing strategies that get to the deeper issues: housing must be affordable BEYOND the purchase price. That means transportation, energy bills, insurance and more.
Our new home has a target of under $50 for our August FPL bill, thanks to its energy efficient design. We are not buying windstorm insurance because our solid concrete walls aren't going anywhere. And the house is walking distance to shopping, restaurants, parks and schools.
If you'd like to learn more, join us tonight at the Dice House in Continental Park at 7 pm for a presentation sponsored by Dade Heritage Trust as part of their "Green Spaces & Historic Places" theme. Complimentary refreshments will be provided by the Continental Park Homeowners' Association.
Albert Harum-Alvarez
305 273-6096
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