The “Miami Today” not to be outdone by “Miami New Times” just put out their “Best of Miami” issue.
Natacha Seijas somehow made it in there -- something about trade which is really all the vacation spots she wants to go to. Her inclusion is proof the paper is sucking up to her. Anyway, you know how they say a picture says a thousand words? Well, even though they featured her, this most unflattering photo they printed (more unflattering than even my doctored photos) says it all – what “Miami Today” really thinks of her, subliminally.
I had to finish off the month with the Nasty Natacha. And, I would like to know what the County is trading. Sending her would certainly close the door on trade. Do we trade anything? Anyone know?
P.S. It looks like Natacha made the "Best of" in " Miami New Times" as well (She might be the only one on both lists):
Best Local Girl Gone Bad: Natacha Seijas. The article said "She's the first county commissioner to receive a recall vote since 1972. At taxpayer expense, she hired lawyers in an attempt to stop the vote on the strong-mayor debate. Pushing her personal vendetta even further, in November 2006 she proposed cutting the mayor's salary from $229,083 to $12,000...."
Natacha looking lovely....i don't think so! I think the New Times has her pegged right....
She has gone bad alright, she is putrified....
Like at the old USSR wonder how this photo got thru the censors at Miami Today. Really what she looks like is not the point it is whats inside that matters most.
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