I was watching the Miami Herald video feed on Cuba -- bored I guess. I captured this in the background of the video which they were taking from a moving car. It looks to me like Bush, maybe Luis Posado Carriles??? not sure who this is and Adolf Hitler. What could these three have in common on a billboard in Cuba?

I thought we were paying for Radio Marti to educate the Cuban people: Like tell them the truth. Are we instead feeding them propaganda and in so doing, instead, making them hate the United States and our people? That doesn't seem to be very productive for our tax dollars. This woman said she would take up a gun to protect Cuba from us????? Gadzooks!
I will never understand this in a million years. I am more confused than ever.
P.S. Come to think of it, the U.S. Government doesn't even tell it's own citizens the truth so I shouldn't be surprised that we would lie to people in other countries. Looks like some lies backfired in Cuba.
I guess lies do take a toll -- heed this Republicans, you lost my friend Bruce's vote!
May 10, 2007
Letter: Looking for a party that cares about us
Regarding Donald Ross' May 9 letter headlined "Republicans should stop backing Bush":
Well, I have good news for Mr. Ross. After voting in almost every election for 40 years, 99 percent of the time for Republicans, the GOP has lost my support. I'm a slow learner, I guess.
That being said, I won't be voting for the Democrats anytime soon either. Between the two major parties we have an almost $9 trillion national debt, 25 billion missing tax dollars in 2003 alone, more than 25 million government employees and bureaucrats, neglected troops and veterans, 500,000-plus elected officials, thousands of laws, rules and regulations, $20 plastic ice cube trays and more!
From now on I will seek out independent and third-party candidates, especially those who are more concerned with the average citizen than with special interests and lining their own pockets at taxpayers' expense.
Bruce xxxxx, Las Vegas
Thank you Bruce. Might I suggest Lyndon LaRoche (oh my God, I just googled him, LaRoche is a Democrat now). Maybe you are right Bruce! why don't you run?
Well like the relationship in the old USSR between the government and Pravda everything writen in the Herald on Cuban is now the talking points pushed by the neocons at the CIA and other various information centers of US government. My what we learn from our opponents.
There are two major parties. One of them will always win. If you vote for any third party you are only throwing out your vote and if you do not vote at all, you are again throwing out your vote. You must vote or the bad guys will always win. Therefore each election pick the least terrible of the candidates and put them in office with their party to back them. Then at the next election do the same thing. Generally when a party is in office too long they go bad as if by magic. So always watch what you elected officials are doing and throw the rascals out.
It is Carrilles. Here's a better shot of a similar one billboard
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