Friday, May 18, 2007

Big deal: Mayor Manny Diaz fined $250 by Ethics and Public Trust Commission

Wow a whopping fine of $250, from the ever useless Ethics Commission, for a land deal Mayor Manny did with the City Manager and fellow City elected official, Johnny Winton. That is a scary fine, what a message that sends to other politicians! And, Diaz agrees he did nothing wrong to boot! He sure learned his lesson.

Why bother?


Anonymous said...

Does the ethic commission have a salary? Am I paying this people to do such a lousy job?

Anonymous said...

The fine is totally ridiculous, but at least the Ethics Commission is "pretending" that they work. Other complaints we have filed in the past were either ignored or were told the Commission had no jurisdiction. Diaz got a meager fine because he's not part of our corrupt and useless Board of County Commissioners. Its members are UNTOUCHABLE!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Again it is the people who are voted into office who are screwing us. Get them out

Geniusofdespair said...

Mensa - you are a mensa, you must have a better answer. Use that 150 I Q plus and help us with a real answer. How do we get people engaged enough to vote. USE YOUR MIND and don't say again, put better people in office. Tell us how.........

Anonymous said...

You get better people in office by first checking all the people who may want the job and seeing if any are honest. If not, you organize enough people and enough people who will contribute to the campaign to talk the honest man into running knowing that he will have funds and people behind him. At all elections you find civic minded people who will put up signs, call friends and neighbors and visit every home in their area explaining how important it is to vote for the honest candidate. Then you have a shot.

Anonymous said...

Mayor Manny Diaz was only fined $250 by Ethics and Public Trust for his scandalous dirty little secret real-estate partnership with Joe Arriola and Johnny Winton.

That $250 is a slap on the wrist for Manny and a slap on the face for our community.

That $250 fine is about the same price as a speeding ticket.

Former City of Miami Commissioner Johnny Winton will have his day in court of June 8th to determine the penalty imposed on him for kicking a police office in the crouch.

If the same Ethics and Public Trust standards apply, then in all probability Winton may expect to receive a fine of $18 that is equal to that of a overdo parking meter fine.

Harry Emilio Gottlieb
Coconut Grove, FL.

Anonymous said...

How does one get made a member of the commission mafia? Who is next to be made a member?