Sunday, April 01, 2007

What has Lobbyist Rodney Barreto been up to: Petroleum? By Geniusofdespair


According to his bio, prior to his career in public affairs and real estate, Barreto was a City of Miami cop. He was appointed by Gov. Jeb Bush to the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission in August 2001 and reappointed by Gov. Charlie Crist in February 2007. He is serving his third term as chairman of the Commission. How on earth did they ever pick him, maybe he likes to go fishing????? Ick.

What else has Rodney been up to? Hmmm....

Who could forget the $13,980,000 land purchase outside the Urban Development Boundary that Krome Gold Ranches made in February 2006 (Mgr Armando Guerra, Agustin Herran and Rodney Barreto).

It appears that he, and fellow lobbyist Chris Korge, started a company in July 2006 called Blue Water Express. This company owns an Aircraft: Pilatus PC-12 (Single turboprop). On March 30th the plane went from Tallahassee to Charleston Air Force Base. Hope it was a nice trip.

In other Barreto news, in March 2006 he formed CCLN, L.L.C. Can’t figure this one out, nor can I figure out why he formed BG Commercial, LLC in February 2007. He formed two corporations in March 2007: Floridian Petroleum, LLC. And Floridian Petroleum Management LLC.

What do you think this Petroleum stuff is all about? This is a real mystery, my curiosity is aroused by these two. Why is Rodney into petroleum?

In March 2007, B & B Holdings, LLC (aka B&B LLC) formed by our Rodney January 18, 2006, made a purchase on (property, Folio 31-2211-004-0080) for $1,460,900. Since the folio number is showing up as vacant land for $31,320,000, owned by TRG-Desert Inn Ventures, I have to assume he/the Corporation bought a newly built condo and further checking revealed, in fact, B&B did buy a condo. As an aside, this condo building seems to be selling very well: Yes, March sales seem brisk at the Ocean Four Condominium. Maybe Rodney knows something we don’t.

What about that Petroleum....why would the Chairman of the Fish and Wildlife Commission be forming Petroleum companies? Maybe he knows more about offshore drilling than we do?


Geniusofdespair said...

Maybe this is what the Petroleum is about, maybe he sees some big State funds for this in his future:

The Petroleum Cleanup Program encompasses the technical oversight, management, and administrative activities necessary to prioritize, assess, and cleanup sites contaminated by discharges of petroleum and petroleum products from stationary petroleum storage systems. These sites include those determined eligible for state funded cleanup using preapproval contractors designated by the property owner or responsible party and state lead contractors under direct contract with the Department, as well as non-program or voluntary cleanup sites that are funded by responsible parties.

Anonymous said...

Just amazing, this guy was head of the superbowl host committee. At least Boss Tweed was "elected" (even Seijas can claim to have been elected) this guy never ran for office and yet he calls all of the shots. God help us from his civic activities.

Anonymous said...

i heard he was a bully on the Host Committee trying to get freebies around town for NFL events....

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

this is unreal! how can we allow these lobbyists to run such important offices! I'm disgusted!

Anonymous said...

here are the answers to petroleum involvement. Barreto is partners with Warren Sands In Sands Petroleum.

Also involved in underwater land deal: