Sunday, April 15, 2007

Twenty Five Years of Blogging and Still Going Strong by Geniusofdespair

It feels like 25 years, but actually this blog was started November 5th 2006. By November 8th I was ready to give it all up. I said:
“Keeping up with a blog is a royal pain in the ass. It has already gotten old. How long have I been doing it? This is the third day.”

I still feel the same way. But I keep doing it. This will be my 202nd entry. For someone who is not a writer, that is not bad. Gimleteye joined the blog on Novemeber 11th and has since written 144 (much longer) posts.

I sit here every day. I am waiting. Maybe Pepe Diaz will get arrested soon (Land in probe has big-name ties). Maybe Natacha Seijas will go too far (even for Hialeah). Maybe Joe Martinez will bully the wrong person or the State Attorney will really check out those real estate freebies. Maybe someone will realize Javier Souto is senile and is being propped up by his staff. Maybe the Miami Herald will investigate Dorrin Rolle on Jesca and other things. Something good will happen soon. Just not today.

The most I can hope for is that I get news to the public. Information is gold. And, by the way, if you do a public records request of the county you had better have a lot of “gold.” They are charging big bucks, it was reported to me that one such request by an activist had a charge of $2,000 on it. They get you one way or another. But we have to push back. Despairing today....G.O.D.

P.S. Don't wear it as a badge of honor that you are not getting the Miami Herald. Every one of our readers should PAY to get the Herald. It funds reporters like Debbie Cenziper, Scott Hiaasen, Matt Haggman, etc. who investigate. Get the Herald, they do accomplish more than we all think. Let me tell you, this investigative stuff is time consuming. I can't afford to do it. And let me remind you: I am not a trained reporter. I give many stories to them to follow up on. I cannot call Rodney Barreto and ask him what he is doing with petroleum companies, a reporter can.


Anonymous said...

Keep on pushing, that's all I can say. Visualize that what you have mentioned (Pepe Diaz' arrest; Natacha's and Joe Martinez' demise; and Souto's retiring to a nursing home) become reality and it just might come true. I will not shed a tear for either one.

Anonymous said...

Since I have been reading your blog I started to pay for the Herald again, now if only they would do something about that terrible Latin American coverage.

Anonymous said...

Even if the Herald is the lesser of all the evils, I will not support it. I cancelled my script when they ran the full page story about Fidel fainting (page 32 in any other newspaper) and if I'd had the energy I would have subsribed again, only for the satisfaction of cancelling again when they fired DeFede. It's a poor, pandering excuse for a newspaper with extremely few exceptions.

Geniusofdespair said...

I know, you are right in everything you say. But, I think we can make it a better paper and that should be the focus. That is my focus at least. Since it is the only game in town, and we need something to get the word out...I think it is a necessary evil.

Geniusofdespair said...

Last Anon:
I just realized we have 101 posts about the Miami Herald doing a better job. I think we are addressing the shortcomings of the paper. I hope you reconsider -- and then you can complain about the paper and address the paper's shortcomings on this blog.

Anonymous said...

I hope that this blog with it's accurate and legitimate info would be mentioned by the media. This would increase participation and inspire. Do not despair, after all you with gimleteye, it is so worth it. Send the site address to all media websites in Miami.

PeconicPuffin said...

Keep it up Genius and Gimleteye. The corrupt assume that citizens are too lazy to take a closer look at what they're doing.

lunkhead said...

You need to keep fighting the good fight. A ripple will eventually cause a wave, which in turn will elicit a tidal wave. Fight the greedy bastards so that I can visit my hometown from time to time and not feel ashamed.