Sunday, April 01, 2007

Funniest thing in the Herald today: Our Airport. by Geniusofdespair

In the Herald Today MIA visitors find a lot to gripe about
Jonathon Dunlop of Australia felt compelled to scribble across a comment card:

"This is the most disorganized shambles of an airport that exists on this earth.''

I am glad we are throwing another billion dollars of our hard earned tax dollars into the black hole, better known as the most disorganized shambles of an airport that exists on this earth.

Herald: Remember the wheel of fortune, award-winning article you ran about the airport, was it in the late 90's? You had all the lobbyists around a wheel that were raking in a bundle at the airport. Can you reprint that article? I think we all need to remember what is wrong at this airport. I suspect things haven't changed much since that article. If you don't want to reprint it, send it to me and I will put it on this blog. Best thing the Herald ever wrote and the pictures in the article helped me to recognize all the lobbyists when down at County hall. And Herald, why don't you interview Angela Gittens while you are at it? Wow, what she could tell us. (hit read more).

Does anyone remember, was Rodney Barreto and Chris Korge on that wheel?

Here is a Herald article from 2000 (Hit on it to make it larger). Nothing much has changed...


Anonymous said...

The more things change, the more they stay the same. What is amazing is how the county continues to mismange projects large and small.

When will people get it? It is our tax dollars which are being mismanaged.

Where are our multi-millionaire candidates like NYC's Mayor Blumberg? We need a few to come in and clean house, since they ran big profitable businesses and know how to get the job done.

As for the airport wheel, I am sure that Chris Korge was on it and unsure about Rodney Barreto. But Sergio Pino may have been there too. The three amigos have laughed loudly, all the way to the bank!

Anonymous said...

What? Truly Blue are you listening, where are the disinterested billionaires in So.Fl? Amando "just move the UDB a little bit for me this once, ok again" Cordina, please. They are all a bunch of crooks. Even your Republican mayor, (Truly Blue, not so true to blue) of NYC does EVERYTHING locally Wall Street wants, as that is his bread and butter.

Geniusofdespair said...

It is Armando Codina you were referring to reader. We want google to pick it up correctly.

Anonymous said...

Rodney barreto is a crook.