Monday, April 02, 2007

DeFede takes on County Commission Chair Barriero's Want of Private Meetings by Geniusofdespair

Don’t know how I missed it: But here is another classic DeFede Video for you:DeFede: Commissioner Wants To Squash Sunshine Law. DeFede video clips are always worth a look, he is one entertaining guy.


Anonymous said...

you know, I'm sure, Barreiro being a former legislator, wants only the same sunshine law that the state legislature has and functions with. The rules for state legislators are much loose than the rules THEY set for local governments. It prohibits discussions between commissioners 100%. it's foolish. The proposal doesn't limit community input same as the legislatures loose version of sunshine laws doesn't.

Anonymous said...

If you ever sat in on one of these private meetings between politicians you would know at once how dangerous they are to the electorate. My only problem with Jim DeFede is that he always beats me to the punch, resulting in my not writing. He is a fearless champian of the people and the Miami Herald lost 50% of its power when they let him go.


Geniusofdespair said...

Mensa: Ditto on DeFede...but he is great with these TV film clips and they reach more one reads anymore. I also agree, the county commission is bad enough in the sunshine...

Anonymous said...

the county commission needs term limits if they expect to be treated like real political officials. I understand the thought about the sunshine rules for the state legislature but we need to reign in the commission, they are out of control.

Anonymous said...

Give Bruno a break. This pesky sunshine law is making it hard for him to get his frequent direction from Natacha, Poor Bruno.

Anonymous said...

The commission now has these nifty little meetings called "sunshine meetings". They have someone send out emails noticing the meetings which occur between 2 commissioners in the second floor confernence room. I wonder what they would do if you or I actually showed up at one... after all, they are public noticed meetings...