It began when Committee Chairwoman Natacha Seijas surprised most of her committee members by proposing that the fee end in six years.
''I was under the assumption we were going to go three years,'' said Commissioner Jose ''Pepe'' Diaz, whose district includes Doral. But Seijas quickly shot that down.
Then, Commissioner Carlos Gimenez said he wanted the fees killed as soon as possible, prompting the attorney for the cities, Miguel Diaz de la Portilla, to approach the dais.
But Seijas stopped him in mid-speech. ''This is not a public hearing, so please sit down,'' she told him.
Next came Commissioner Katy Sorenson.
Sticking up for her Palmetto Bay constituents, Sorenson said she wanted the fee halted in three years as well. But that drew a sharp rebuke from Seijas, who noted that Sorenson was not on the committee.
Diaz then offered an amended plan to phase the fee out earlier, but Seijas wasn't buying: ``Thank you, but I don't accept that.''
Yes, she is as vile as ever! If you haven't viewed it yet, hit on the video to see her live (on the right side of this page under: DeFede.)
she never disappoints!
If you want to watch go to http://www.miamidade.gov/webcast/sch_tuesday.asp play the 9:30 am Governmental Operations and Environment Committee web cast. Slide the bar below the picture to the right until 1:55 appears as the time and let it play. I wish I knew a way to capture the web cast I would start putting her vile remarks on utube.
Watch quick it will roll off as of next Tuesday but will be found on the web cast archive.
The woman doesn't change her nasty ways. Hopefully next year when she is up for reelection the people from Hialeah will wake up and vote against her, if another candidate becomes available. Hopefully Miami Lakes will also wake up and come out in droves to vote against her and not be as timid as they were during her recall referendum. Seijas is really going against ML!
Seijas is a vile b*t*h. But I do think the mitigation fees should stay. One of the ideas behind having a metropolitan government is revenue sharing and ensuring that the least affluent areas still receive an essential and equitable level of service (such as police). This is a large reason why cherry picking is so dangerous. We are all, after all, residents of the same county. The bulk of mitigation is allocated to funding police services for the unincorporated neighborhoods around the newly formed city. A good chunk of MDPD's budget for patrolling comes from UMSA taxes. These three communities could have avoided mitigation if they had incorporated a larger area that would have made them revenue neutral.
Correct me if i am wrong, but i am under the impression that Key Biscayne, Bal Harbour, Aventura, and other tony communities did not pay these mitigation fees when they INC'd. Is it fair for just some communities to pay it?
Anonymous – said : But I do think the mitigation fees should stay.
I don’t agree with you. Mitigation is a ruse used by the county to make those people think it is “having a government is revenue sharing and ensuring that the least affluent areas still receive an essential and equitable level of service”. You only need to look at Miami Gardens to see it play out. Why, in Miami-Dade County, are cities not good for people? Do you have any idea where the money goes” You say “The bulk of mitigation is allocated to funding police services for the unincorporated neighborhoods around the newly formed city.” I say prove it, show me in the budget where it goes.
If revenue sharing is required then let’s do it by a county wide tax not a tax on just a few cities.
What we really need is for Miami-Dade County government to focus on COUNTY government and get out of the municipal government business. UMSA is too big a city and is not run with its “city of UMSA” citizens in mind. Miami-Dade County needs to get out of running the city of UMSA. Get out of the municipal services business focus on county wide services. Broward County is trying just to do that.
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