Where the streets have no names…
Monday. Price of a share of Halliburton stock, March 19, 2003: $20.50. Price of that Halliburon share on March 16th, 2007, adjusted for a split in 2006: $64.12
Tuesday. Broward Judge Lawrence Korda, one of the two judges who presided over Anna Nicole Smith’s case last month, was busted for smoking a joint in a Hollywood park, according to the Miami Herald.
Wednesday. The Performing Arts Center is $3 million in the red, for the five months since it opened, a period of time in which losses were anticipated to be only $150,000.
Thursday. “Elections have consequences,” Environment and Public Works chair Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) rebukes immediate past EPW chair Senator James Inhofe (R-OK), for abrasive exchanges with former Vice President Al Gore at a special Senate hearing on global warming,
Friday. Saying that Florida deserves more influence in picking nominees, the Florida legislature mulls moving its presidential primaries as early as January 29, 2008, according to the New York Times.
Saturday. The University of Florida faculty vote against giving former Governor Jeb Bush an honorary degree in upcoming commencement exercises.
Sunday. “You can’t go wrong living in a community where all the streets are named after saints,” says one prospective buyer to the Miami Herald, reporting on the new town builty by Catholics for Catholics in the middle of the Everglades, founded by Domino Pizza multi-millionaire, Thomas Monaghan.
Earlier in the week, Monaghan fired the provost of the university he founded, Ave Maria, “shortly after his comments suggesting that homosexuality has biological roots appeared in the California Catholic Daily.”
One of my great regrets in life:
Not buying Halliburton stock.
A no-brainer after 9/11.
One event that scares the heck out of me, but quietly happened.....
Cutler Bay Town Council voted to ignore the Jennings Law.
What a doorway that becomes.
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