Always a pleasure to watch Jim DeFede’s CBS 4 clips. In Transit Director Racial Storm Is Unfurled , DeFede cuts to the heart of the issue:
“This case raises many of the issues surrounding race that have long plagued Miami.” DeFede also says:
“This morning I spoke to Bradley on my radio show and I asked him point blank if he thought he was fired because he was black--as some people have alleged. To his credit, Bradley said no.”
As for the people who participated in the Sit-in (see photo above), DeFede says:
"Many of the folks who are screaming loudest about Bradley's firing are the same people who opposed the creation of the strong mayor form of government. They are using Bradley for their own political ends." and:
"By the way, in case anyone is actually interested in the facts, Alvarez's first appointment as strong mayor was to name an African-American woman the new head of personnel for the county."
Watch the clip (it is on the right side of Channel 4 page – link above). And speaking of right side of the page, on our right side we have links to two DeFede classics (Under our heading South Florida News Links). If you never watched them, hit on our links. Well worth the look.
I noticed many of the protesters to Roosevelt Bradley being fired are the same group always asking for taxpayer money.
There were lobbyists who want the minority set-aside money and there was a preacher accused of stealing from his church.
Maybe Roosevelt Bradley just pushed too hard to give taxpayer money away? To the wrong people?
Where were all the well dressed black protesters when Arthur Teele was accused of looting the Overtown CRA? Why weren't they complaining Overtown was getting taken over by drug dealers? Why weren't they complaining when an audit showed CRA money being spent on crack addicted prostitutes?
Revealing letter in the Miami Herald:
Posted on Sat, Mar. 31, 2007
Transit bows to politics
Last week's ''name-clearing hearing'' for former Miami-Dade Transit Director Roosevelt Bradley was interesting.
Commissioner Natacha Seijas unwittingly pointed out one of the problems with his management style.
With tears in her eyes, Seijas said that she could pick up the phone and ask Bradley to move a bus stop or add new bus service, and it would be done.
As a retired manager with the transit agency, I can attest to this. Unfortunately, when any commissioners made requests, Bradley required staff to drop everything else and respond ''positively,'' no matter the cost in resources or
disruption to scheduled work.
Despite little demand for more bus service, an entirely new route was added at the request of one commissioner. The cost of this route was $1,080 a day. The route was used by fewer than 50 passengers a day. Instead of canceling the
route and using the bus and financial resources where needed, staff was told to extend the route.
This is just one of many examples.
To spend taxpayers' hard-earned dollars so frivolously to curry political favor with commissioners is irresponsible,
unethical and selfish.
SUZIE LAPLANT, Austin, Texas
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