I guess this is a way to cut your losses? Even the County wants to get into rock mining at Opa Locka Airport West.
Rock Miner, Rinker, leased this 412 acre parcel, south of Kendall Drive, on March 29, 06. If Rinker can get permits to rock mine on Santa Fe Haciendas, LLC land (Santa Fe uses Shoma's address and Shoma head honcho Masoud Shojaee is the President). If it gets approved, it will be the furthest South Rock Mine along Krome. I wonder if D.R. Horton (they have a major land investment just East of the area) is worried about rock mining blasting?
i live not too far from this site. That is all we need is blasting. How did this happen without the Herald reporting it?
Now all the money Shoma Homes has been pumping into Seijas anti-recall makes sense.
They can't just mine there, can they, without a land use designation change?
The zoning for rock mines is: 8900 UNZONED. This piece is zoned 9000 AGRICULTURE.
In Miami Lakes, a group of Residents sue Rinkler & Co. and it was granted. Among the residents was Councilmember Michael Pizzi as a Homeowner of this Area. Since the money was granted by the Court in Miami Dade County, he has not mentioned a word about the blasting. What happened? How much money did he get? Ask him and let us know.
In reference to the Rinker Materials Corportation, check in Miami-Dade County Court, Case No. 99-22216 CA (22), go thru the pages and you will find even the list of persons that participated in this sue. Among them, we have Councilmember Michael Pizzi of Miami Lakes, as a homeowner, who was against the blasting, but since he got some money from this sue, you can see how much was the estimated amount, has not said a word against it again.
What money can buy....
Suprised you haven't written anything on this article in the Herald from the other day on a new law in Tallahasee that will strip all local Governments of the right to regulate Rock Mining in any way.
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