"Broward County Property Appraiser Lori Parrish waded into a Palm Beach County political war on Wednesday, blasting her counterpart Gary Nikolits for misapplying state law and sticking taxpayers with "unreasonably high" property values.Parrish was responding to a scathing letter Nikolits wrote to Palm Beach County commissioners Monday, which branded commissioners as corrupt and challenged Broward County appraisal methods as unconstitutional."
"Her approach to assessing properties differs in key respects from Nikolits'. She does not place the same emphasis on a "highest and best use" standard that drives up valuations of commercial properties, particularly those near the condo-cluttered waterfront.
In an interview Wednesday, Nikolits defended his approach, saying Parrish uses methods that create "a below-market assessment, and that's unconstitutional."
But Parrish fired back that Nikolits is basing property values on a hypothetical future use of the land, which she said is to "blatantly distort and misapply the law."
Lori, you have to love her, as a Blogger in Boca Raton on Topix.net said about her: "She went after the Town of Davie Council like a banshee for their gross neglect and overspending of my tax dollars. I am very proud to have Lori Parish as my property appraiser. There aren't enough like her." More...
I found this in the Palm Beach Post: (Part of article)
Broward's appraiser enters property assessment fray
By Jennifer Sorentrue And Hector Florin
Palm Beach Post Staff Writers
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Broward County Property Appraiser Lori Parrish on Wednesday tossed fuel on the feud burning between her Palm Beach County counterpart and county commissioners.
In a two-page letter sent to every property appraiser in the state, Parrish sounded off against Palm Beach County Property Appraiser Gary Nikolits, alleging that he's incorrectly appraising property - resulting in assessments that "seem so unreasonably high..
The letter came two days after Nikolits attacked Parrish and the Palm Beach County Commission's "culture of corruption," while defending the way he appraised property.
Nikolits' office has been under fire since September, when Palm Beach County commissioners discovered Parrish was using a different method to appraise property in Broward.
He's been exchanging barbs with county officials ever since.
In a Monday letter to the county, he took a jab at Parrish, saying she uses "unconstitutional methods."
Parrish swung back...
If someone has a little apartment building near US 1, in broward they would be taxed for that, in palm beach they could be paying the taxes for its potential:
a big high rise? Is that the argument. It means everyone in palm beach HAS to sell...
what do we do in miami dade?
I was watching Channel 77 (former Net 9)the other day and heared one of the city commissioners say (can't remember if it was Regalado or Sanchez) that the Miami-Dade county appraiser (or any appraiser I may add) should be elected... any thoughts on this?
I am pretty sure the Broward appraiser is electecd.
I think she is. She was down here crusading last legislative session. Got the MD appraiser up to Tally to join forces with her.
Watch for fireworks over the ag exemptions up there. I think they were going to deny lots of them.
What do people think here about electing the appraiser? Is it better or just more money politics? Anyone remember that article many years back in the Herald where well connected wealthy homeowners paid less in taxes than less well connected homeowners or multi-family residential of about the same value.
I live in Palm Beach County and am completely dissatisfied with the Counties Tax assesment. They appraised my home for over $100,000 more this year, than I purchased it for or it was appraised for last year. I have already petitioned, but was told today by the appraisers office that if I go to court I will probably not win (this is before they have even listened to my side or evidence). The house market is crashing at this time and the houses are still getting appraised by the county at ridiculously high amounts. Last year my taxes were 1,300 When I purchased. This year my taxes are 3,100. What gives?
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