The numbers don’t lie.
According to Mike the home-mover, a long distance mover for over 30 years, the industry migration reports say that Florida has become an outbound State. It is the first time he can remember that more people are moving out of Florida than in.
He said this summer they had a backlog to move people out of South Florida.
According to Mike the Mover, in New York about 6 people move out for every 4 that move in. New York is also an outbound State. In Florida he said it is about 51% out to 49% in. On the other hand, North Carolina is an inbound State: It is about 60% in to 40% out.
He believes the reasons for the turn to outbound are the congestion in Florida, the high taxes and the insurance cost. “People are taking a hard look at Florida. I actually moved someone from Ft. Lauderdale to the Bronx.”
“I have been moving retirees to Butte Montana, Maine and New Hampshire. These places have a hometown feeling that people like. They are willing to sacrifice the weather for that. They also feel safe and the living costs are cheaper there.”
It seems the ever astute School Board Member Evelyn Greer is right about something else, not just her Mater vote (I don’t always agree with her, but I respect her greatly).
Greer said, in the February issue of the Urban Forum, that in 1929 New York had predicted a growth from 7.5 to 11 million by 1965. She said in those 30 years New York actually did not grow at all. The population in New York now is only 8.2 million. Reflecting on this she said:
"Perhaps the City did not grow because a natural equilibrium had been reached – the high housing costs, low wage jobs, and failing infrastructure encouraged potential new residents to go elsewhere. Perhaps high housing costs, a low wage economy, hurricanes, high property taxes and insurance have created a natural equilibrium in Miami as well."
And she said:
"...The number of students in our public school system – that is, public schools plus charter schools – has declined by 30,000 over the past five years. That is almost a 10% decline in five years. The school system demographer anticipates continued declines in enrollment."
What are we going to do with all those condos if Evelyn Greer and Mike the Mover are right?
Type the rest of the post here
I am secretly happy that it is outbound. Traffic is worse than ever!
There are real costs to the quality of life that the political elite and power brokers just shrugged at all these years, thrilling at putting blame on citizens who opposed them at zoning council as anti-growth radical extremists. Think Steve Shiver.
Fortunes have been made in Miami real estate over the past decade. Even in the housing bust, they've already liquifie the fruits of their enthusiasms--into stocks or bonds or real cash money if they are not too leveraged with debt--while the rest of us are stuck in concrete even if we've been fiscally responsible with our own family budgets.
Many people are leaving. Government spending has increased so quickly that the tax burden on remaining taxpayers is horrific. Haitians have been leaving Miami-Dade County as quickly as they can put deposits together. They move to Georgia, New Jersey etc.
Very interesting that school enrollment is down. When will the School Board stop wasting our money?
Think Steve Shiver?
I heard his house is for sale. Why?
Maybe he will do us all a favor a bless another city with his presence.
My guess is that he is moving into the Homestead City Boundaries. There is a mayoral election coming up.
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