Sunday, January 28, 2007

Brave Souls Buying Real Estate by geniusofdespair

Just curious on who was buying. Here are two people of interest, listed in the Miami Herald: Luz A. Saldarriaga and David Linn. David Linn actually owns 7 properties in this building (there are 34 units total). This other woman, Luz Saldarriaga, bought 4 units in a 1,199 unit building.

Do they know something that we don’t? Neither appear to be vulture groups. They are brave to buy in this market and the prices they paid didn't seem so low.

It appears that Luz got 3 hefty mortgages, again according to public records. She must have very good credit. Mr. Linn is no slouch. He has a bunch of mortgages for lesser amounts as his property was cheaper. Good luck with your 4 new homes Luz and good luck with your 7 homes David!

Please tell us all the secret of how you get credit to buy multiple dwellings!! I want in...but not just yet.


Anonymous said...

I want in too. Can anyone explain leverage to me? These two people couldn't be flippers could they?

Anonymous said...

Those two people are very brave. I do not envy them.

Anonymous said...

I haven't figured out how to catch a falling sword yet. Maybe it's a magic trick? Maybe, they're covering up for someone or something you'll never know about. Maybe they're just optimists!

Geniusofdespair said...

Just love that: Catching a falling sword or is so accurate. Most of us are too afraid.

Anonymous said...

Clearly there is only one way to "catch a falling knife".Wait for it to fall, bounce around a bit , and when it has stopped pick it up.
A lot of us JBRs (jealous bitter renters) plan to do just that. In the meantime we sit on the sidelines and watch the FB's ( F#$%d borrowers).