Well, it certainly gets me all over Google. I have a shitload of Google hits.
Blogging is satisfying because I can get mad all the time without taking it out on my family. If people would make use of the comments, it would give others a voice which is one of the reasons I started to do this in the first place. People need a voice and they are not getting it. I wish I got more comments. That is my favorite part of the blog: reading the comments.
This blog is so local, it is going to be hard to get advertisements so the money angle is a bust.
It takes up a lot of time to blog. If I had more time I could be doing Sudoku puzzles to ward off senility. Starting out in my pajamas at 9 am, I might not be out of them till 11, sometimes as late as 2 pm. I am a slow writer. If you notice that damn gimleteye is always up at the crack of dawn and whips those hefty blogs out in record time. I, on the other hand, labor for hours — well I guess I get distracted a lot too. I am into drips and drabs.

I have to say, this blog is testing my computer illiteracy big time. I already have been forced to learn some HTML. I have had to read directions which totally goes against everything I believe in. I had to sign a lot of stuff I agreed to that I didn’t really bother reading. If I get a bill for a few thousand dollars...I might have agreed to it. And my first born...gone. Gee, I hope not. I hope I signed only happy, friendly stuff.
Someone started asking me a lot of computer questions when they heard I had a blog — thinking I was a geek. I got scared when it got too pointed and they were waiting for an answer. The silence was uncomfortable. I blankly stared into space and had to admit “I didn’t know nothin’.” So, here I am at 10:15 p.m. happy that the computer, the blog, and my email are all working at the same time. Magic!
I feel like Miami’s Thomas Paine tonight....He was a pamphleteer, the 18th century version of the blogger. Thomas Paine, in my opinion, is the first blogger, I was going to quote him but he wrote a lot about Kings, however, I did find 3 quotes I liked:
"If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace."
"An army of principles can penetrate where an army of soldiers cannot."
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one."
"Vote for the strong mayor." It could have been Thomas Paine, but this last one is me.
If you don't know the lingo:
I think I talk to the world, just to keep up with the kids (or annoy them)...Besides, it shocks people to know I have another life!!!!
This is a great blog, best thing for Miami since the water hit the beach!
So if you want more comments, do I what I did this week (frustrated at stats that indicate a nice number of readers a day and .01% of that in comments) and throw a big tantrum and insults your readers.
Seems to have worked like magic!
"No man but a blockhead ever wrote, except for money."
-- Samuel Johnson
My question to first anonymous:
What the hell are you doing up so early!
Thanks for the translation, I did not know the meaning of LMAO.
Love the Johnson quote! But, then again, had he lived in the age of Rupert Murdoch...
Just wanted to let you both know that we really, really like you!!
If you had a paypal donation button I would be happy to contribute...
Muyamuh Native - I am truly touched you made my day!
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