Friday, December 08, 2006

No News in Herald so I turned to Sun-Sentinel & Sun Post by geniusofdespair

Sun-Sentinel article Study warns that Florida must curb growth or be overwhelmed by sprawl, gridlock
outlines how growth projects are going to gridlock Florida. From looking at the two maps I posted on December 6th, you should already know this because FDOT said so on maps. Maps don't lie, do they? Now we have this new study confirming the maps. The article by Andy Reid states:

"By the time today's kindergartners near retirement, the state's population should double to 36 million people and development could claim 7 million more acres of rural land, according to a University of Florida study produced for the growth watchdog group 1,000 Friends of Florida." You must use these links right away because newspapers pull the article. However I give you the title and enough information to pull it up if you really want to see it.

The Sun Post has some of the best editorals. You must look at them. Check out this weeks: The Small-Minded Game of Miami-Dade Politics The Editoral Concludes:
"The County Commission is not protecting the voters from liars by passing these laws. They are protecting themselves and other elected officials from proposed laws they don’t like."

Rebecca Wakefield of the Sun Post talks about the Sarnoff hire/fire of Frank Rollason. Check that out as well Counting to Three
Activist Marc Sarnoff Got Elected, but Now He’s Finding
There’s a Steep Political Learning Curve

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

FROM THE SUN POST>>>>> ...But the commission’s motivation for restricting the rights of residents to petition was also the mayor question. Commissioner Joe Sanchez said as much when he claimed that some people were misled when they signed the mayor’s petition...

Say who???? They know something we don't?