On Dec. 6th I posted two maps with FDOT (Florida Dept. of Transportation) ratings on it. A to F. Here is the speed that you will be traveling on these roads. For instance, most of our roads are "F" so we will be traveling at a speed of less than 10 miles an hour on Class III arteries. PLEASE GO BACK AND LOOK AT THE MAPS AGAIN now armed with the Letter Ratings translated into speed.
This is critical information.
P.S. from FDOT:
"The rating of A-F were done to give a subjective approach to traffic. "A" being "free flow" conditions something you might experience late at night or early morning. "B" still being comfortable driving conditions but requiring more thought in lane changes etc. "C": speed and spot congestion ocurring but flow still moving.
You see the pattern emerging until you get to "E" and "F" which have more congestion until you end with stop and go conditions and in worse conditions Gridlock when nothing moves. The LOS was done so people could relate to the school grading system as a reference point."
Can you spell M O R I T O R I U M ?
More from FDOT on the rating system:
The rating of A-F were done to give a subjective approach to traffic. "A" being "free flow" conditions something you might experience late at night
of early morning.
"B" still being comfortable driving conditions but
requiring more thought in lane changes etc. "C" speed and spot congestion ocurring but flow still moving.
You see the pattern emerging until you get to "E" and "F" which have more congestion until you end with stop and go conditions and in worse conditions Gridlock when nothing moves. The LOS was done so people could relate to the school grading system as a reference point.
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