I am going to try to post two very large maps of FDOT's Level of Service ratings for Miami Dade roads projected out to 2015. The first post will be a North Map -- this is the second post of the South Map. (see previous for North). Remember red is "F" which means the same as it did in high school. The orange (E) and yellow roads (D) are not much better. This map includes traffic growth and planned improvements.
I hope these graphics don't crash the blog - you should be able to hit on them and they will enlarge. They will be hard to read, however, you will be able to see the red in our future. God help us all! Road rage will be the norm. Annie get your gun!
If you want both pieces together in high resolution, email me at geniusofdespair@yahoo.com And thank you FDOT Engineer you really came through in a big way.
I can't believe Miami-Dade is still building like a bonanza with mass transit still being so lousy here!
Keep it coming Genius of Despair!
Well, maps like this is the agrument for moving the UDB.... no one ever says 'no more until we figure it out'.... Very shortly the commissioners will be using the maps as justifcation to "give the cars more room to unjam themselves".... They don't have to make sense.... just build further west where it is not as crowded!
Anonymous, too!
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