Sunday, November 12, 2006

More from the Parrot Jungle from gimleteye

Read Carl Hiaasen's excellent column in Sunday's opinion section of the Miami Herald.

He distills, clearly, why claims of the Jeb Bush administration that it has "improved" Florida's water quality are FRAUDULENT. But there hasn't been a single news story in the Miami Herald backing up Hiaasen's points.

Now the question I have to ask: why not.

The editorial is great. The news coverage is minimal.

What's up with that?

Just take a look at the rush to wastewater re-use. What's the impact of putting water that isn't clean enough back into our acquifers, bays, and canals? Who benefits from the race to wastewater re-use, and what's the story with all the leaking wastewater we have now?

Who is dodging water quality standards... and falling back on the claim that Miami is meeting "federal standards" that are disgracefully weak on important pollutants?

Those should be features and investigative stories the Miami Herald features. But they are not. Not enough space in the Parrot Jungle?


Anonymous said...

You might check out our air quality as well.

Anonymous said...

If Genius of Despair is correct: There is $5 billion of unfunded infrastructure in the county. But we are going to go out and build a desalination plant for $40 or 50 million dollars (the one in Tampa cost $150 Million according to Google) . Desalination will add to this $5 billion dollar shortfall. Cleaning reuse water to drinking water standards is another expensive proposition.

Developers don't subsidize these expenses. We do. They make the profit and we suffer the else did we get a 5 billion dollar shortfall? The County Commission doesn't care how much we pay. No one seems to care except the taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

Notgoingtotakeitanymore: I did say $5 billion...I believe it is $5 billion $410 million to be more exact. Unfunded water and sewer is the highest with over $2 billion unfunded. Parks is next at over $1 billion unfunded but needed infrastructure. Things important to us seem to be left unfunded. (Taken from the 2006-07 proposed budget.)