Thursday, November 23, 2006

Miami Herald's Oil Slick Reporting and How About That Rebecca Wakefield?

Speaking of lack of follow up by the weak paper, The Miami Herald (read previous post and comments to that post):
Whatever happened to that land deal that County Commission Chair (and bully) Joe Martinez’s wife made that Scott Hiaasen reported? The Herald’s hotshot lawyers should have cracked that one by now and got the news to the readers. We need to know about that deal, since they signed a joint return they are both expected to have done their due diligence. The IRS doesn’t take that innocent spouse crap so why should we. He can’t claim he didn’t know about the details of her deal nor can he claim it is not part of the public record. He profited from the deal and he had to pay taxes on the deal — I submit to you it should be of public record because it is a joint return so it is his deal too.

Specifically in Schedule D for Martinez’s wife, she claims she had 1/3 of a land contract for a little over a year. She paid $50,000 for her share. She sold her share for $194,000. If she had 1/3 share -- the whole piece was a $150,000 purchase and sold for almost $600,000????????

Something does not seem kosher. Real estate does not escalate that much in a year even under the best of circumstances. Unless you know someone or something. What gives Herald how about some follow up? Who were the partners on that deal?

On another note, have you been checking out Rebecca Wakefield weekly in the Sun Post? She can really turn a phrase. Rebecca is one of my favorite writers, very funny, here is a quote from a recent Haskins/Sarnoff column but you really have to read the whole thing to appreciate her writing:

“You would think Marc had torn the heads off all Linda’s Barbie dolls and peed in her cocktail. You’d think Linda had stolen Marc’s best friend and fed his dog to an alligator. Not only that, the level of personal vitriol injected into this race is accompanied by grand pronouncements that the fate of the free world rests on one of these two little heads. Last I checked, it takes three votes to make a decision on that commission.”
Check out Rebecca


Anonymous said...

Rebecca Rocks...

Anonymous said...

Do you have Mrs. Martinez's phone number. I need to invest some money and it seems she has the midas touch.

Anonymous said...

Rebecca can come up with a great phrase occasionally. We wish she attended more meetings in Miami so she could be better informed. She has been way off base lately on several recent predictions.

Anonymous said...

Wakefield has written some good pieces. Sometimes she writes and her editors publish before she has all the facts.